Gestamp Renewables confirms its commitment with CSR with its third Sustainability Report

Gestamp Renewables confirms its commitment with CSR with its third Sustainability Report

After the reports of Gestamp Solar and Gestamp WindGestamp Biomass has launched its first Sustainability Report as part of its commitment with the ethic, transparency and sustainable development.

The report gathers the most relevant information of 2014, from a triple aspect:

– Performance. Information about the company, its organization and how does it understand sustainability.

– People. Information about the best work practices, how it is boost the talent or realized a monitoring on safety and health areas.

– Planet. Gestamp Biomass contribution in those places where it carries out its activity through the social action and its relationship with administrations and local communities; taking into account all the related to the environment management and the company’s contribution in the mitigation of climate change.

All the information of the report has been elaborated under the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines in its 3.1 version and has been externally checked by the independent firm Ernst & Young (EY), what implies, together with the rest of the reports, a reinforcement of the dialogue with its groups of interest introducing in a transparent and verified way the main results, initiatives and commitments of the company.




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