Madrid hosts the tenth edition of What Really Matters Congress

Madrid hosts the tenth edition of What Really Matters Congress

Last November 25, Madrid held the tenth edition of What Really Matters Congress at the Municipal Palace of Congresses.

The attendance was a complete success and a crowded auditorium enjoyed the assistance of four distinguished speakers: Jaime Garrastazu, cofounder and Marketing manager at Pompeii; Jorge Font, eight times waterskiing disable world champion; Kyle Maynard, champion with disability in wrestling; and Paco Arango, president of Aladina Foundation and film director, screen-writer and producer.

What Really Matters (WRM) is a foundation that seeks to promote the development and the diffusion of universal human, ethical and moral values to the public essentially through the development of cultural activities. Its main activities include national and international congresses, national and international volunteering, talks for companies or publication of books, among others. The Group made up of Gonvarri Steel Services, GRI Renewable Industries y Gestamp Renewables, is conscious of the importance of these values for the development of corporate culture and pride of belonging and long ago established a collaboration with the Foundation.


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