Emotional Driving, one year raising awareness on road safety

Emotional Driving, one year raising awareness on road safety

Emotional Driving project became one year old of intense work on road safety with the group’s employees and its relatives. Since the end of 2014 and through 2015, worked from the plants in Madrid, Asturias, Navarra, Barcelona, Galicia, Tarragona, Valencia and Burgos have lived the Emotional Driving experience.

Apart from the talks by victims of road traffic or emergency personnel, the employees from the different plants could live first-hand what one can feel when a vehicle crashes running at 20 kilometers per hour or during a vehicle rollover through a simulator. Likewise, thanks to a distorted vision glasses they could prove the effects of alcohol when driving.

All these practical examples complete an emotional experience which goal is to raise awareness on the employees about the risk that we face while we are driving. Also, participants left a written record of the personal motivations that inspire them to drive safe. The notes were written on post-its that were glued on to a mural with the picture of damaged car.

The initiative, also in the social media and in the website Emotional Driving, has been awarded withseven prizes in different categories. As best project of internal communication has been awarded by the Atrevia’s Communication and Corporate Identity Observatory, International Business Awards (Gold), EIKON(Gold), Corporate Engagement Awards 2015 (CEA) and Publifestival. It has also obtained prizes as an initiative on Corporate Social Responsibility and Road Safety by CSR International Excellence Award 2015 and Social Company Awards.

But Emotional Driving hasn’t come to an end. After the national experience, it is planned to travel with the initiative to other plants in Europe and America. Furthermore, the stories related during the event, apart from other experiences will be gathered in a commemorative book that will be published soon.

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